Bank Accounts
Exporting to CSV
To export transactions to a csv spreadsheet, simply navigate to the transactions tab and click on the ellipsis in the right-hand corner, then select "Export transactions to csv".
Adding Individual Transactions
If you would like to add more transactions to the dataset, you may do so individually. Under the Transactions tab, you can click the ellipsis seen below and select "Add Transaction".
Bank Statement Parsing
Sometimes, statements are provided to users in an inconsistent or disorganized way. Here is the recommended process to handling bank statements from the FraudFindr team. Hardcopy Bank Statements: 1. Sort statements by account type (checking, savings, ...
Merging Bank Accounts
Sometimes the OCR reader will separate one account into two or more accounts do to a misreading of the bank statement headers. To merge the duplicate accounts into one, determine which account you will keep as the primary account. Then, download the ...
PDF Quality vs. FraudFindr Output
The quality of the PDF uploaded to FraudFindr is directly related to the quality and accuracy of the output the software will give you. Low quality scans with data that looks "smudged" or "grainy" will run the risk of delivering low quality data ...
Supported Document Types
Uploading PDFs of bank account statements is the most common way investigators add transactions to a bank account. FraudFindr can process PDFs for three different types of statements: checking, savings, and credit card. Examples of these types of ...
Reconciling Transactions
Reconciling transactions is an important part of ensuring each transaction in the period you’re reviewing has been added to FraudFindr and that the transaction data is accurate. In short, it’s a way to guarantee that the starting and ending balance ...
Finding & Editing Transactions
After you’ve added transactions to a bank account, you can begin to normalize them. This is the process of ensuring each transaction has a complete set of accurate data. Make sure you’re viewing the “Transactions” tab within an account, then: You can ...
Preparing CSV Files for Import
When importing CSV files into FraudFindr, you’ll most likely want to do a little clean up in the CSV file to make the process easier. First, be sure to remove any personally identifying information from the top of the file such as bank routing or ...
Adding Bank Accounts & Transactions
To add bank accounts and transactions to a case, click “Manage Cases” and select the case you’d like to manage by clicking “Manage Case”. From there, click the “Accounts” tab. Here, you’ll find all the bank accounts that have been added to the case. ...
Adding More Transactions to Existing Bank Accounts
If you need to add more transactions to an existing bank account in FraudFindr, select the account and click the import button from within the “Transactions” tab. This is the “upload” icon directly to the right of the “Filters” button. From here, you ...
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Finding & Editing Transactions
After you’ve added transactions to a bank account, you can begin to normalize them. This is the process of ensuring each transaction has a complete set of accurate data. Make sure you’re viewing the “Transactions” tab within an account, then: You can ...
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