FraudFindr: Running Analysis

Running Analysis

Analysis alerts are what make FraudFindr such a powerful and valuable investigation tool.

Once you've verified that the bank account transaction data is 100% accurate, you can run analysis effectively.

When you run analysis, FraudFindr will compare the bank account transaction data with the victim and suspect information you've entered for the case and automatically identify potential fraud.

FraudFindr groups analysis alerts into 3 categories:

  • General Fraud

  • Missing Data

  • Suspicious Activity

These alerts are designed to help you understand where to focus your efforts while conducting your investigation. You can run (or re-run) analysis at any time.

General Fraud

While you can manually flag any transaction, we also use the victim and suspect information to automatically flag certain transactions.

For example, if you indicate that a victim as doesn't own a cell phone and we find a transaction that appears to be a cell phone charge, then that specific transaction will be automatically flagged.

Please note that transactions you flag manually will NOT appear as analysis alerts since you've already reviewed them!

Missing Data

The Missing Data section will bring your attention to any data that might be missing based on what information you've entered about the Suspect and Victim.

For example a missing data alert might say, "You indicated the victim should be paying for Gas, but we couldn’t find any in the data you imported."

That means none of the transactions in this bank account have been categorized as "Gas" when you've indicated the victim has a monthly gas expense or drives their own car.

Another example would be if FraudFindr can't find any transaction data for a month in your review period, you'll get an alert for each month that doesn't contain any transaction data. This can help you quickly identify PDF statements you may not have imported to the account yet.

Suspicious Activity

Suspicious Activity alerts will bring your attention to unexpected transaction activity and transaction trends over time. These include but are not limited to:

  • Outside Threshold: transactions that fall outside of an income or expense threshold set in the victim information section.

  • Unexpected Deposits: unusual credit transactions outside of the expected income for the victim.

  • Spending Spikes: an unusual monthly increase or decrease in spending for a particular category.

Analysis Alert Actions

You can dismiss any analysis alert, add a note to the alert, view the transaction details, or quickly attribute the transaction to either the Victim, Suspect, or Unknown.

Analysis can be run on each bank account you add to a case and re-run at any time. If you run analysis too early, you may get a lot of alerts. Rather than checking all the alerts one at a time, you can make the transaction data more accurate, then re-run analysis which should result in fewer alerts.

The goal is to use these alerts to help you attribute every transaction in every bank account to either the Suspect, Victim, or Unknown. This helps FraudFindr generate a valuable and accurate report for each case.

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