FraudFindr: Monthly Income & Expenses

Monthly Income & Expenses

When entering monthly income and expenses, you can set a threshold to help us flag only relevant transactions. For example, average rental income might be $1,000, but can fluctuate by $100 each month. Setting the “Expected Amount” to $1,000 with a threshold of “$100” means we’ll only flag transactions below $900 or above $1,100 for review. Any rental income transactions between $900 - $1,100 we’ll treat as normal activity.

The same applies for expenses. Food and Gas expenses can fluctuate each month, but a Car Loan should most likely stay the same (especially if automatic payments are set up).

We also run some intelligent analysis behind the scenes for you. For example, utility bills are rarely an even dollar amount, so we’ll flag any even transaction amounts in this category as potentially suspicious activity.

If you know that certain income or expenses aren’t applicable, check “Not Applicable”.

Remember that the amounts you enter in the income and expense sections are the expected monthly amounts. If you only know of the annual average for spending such as clothing, divide that number by 12 to get the average monthly amount and use that data here. This will help FraudFindr identify potentially fraudulent transactions and suspicious activity when running analysis for each account.

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