FraudFindr: Creating a Case Report

Creating a Case Report

Creating a report is the final step of the investigation process. Case reports help you quickly organize your findings into a court-ready PDF document.

At this time, only one report can be created per case and the report will be available for anyone on your team to view. In other words, the report is specific to the case, not the individual who created it. Multiple team members can work on the same report.

While you can create a report at any time, we recommend creating a report once your investigative work is complete (or nearing completion).

Creating a Report

To get started, select a case you want to manage, then click the “Report” tab. Here, you’ll be able to build your own custom report for that case.

Click “Add New Section” to begin building your report. We’ve created a variety of pre-made sections for you that automatically summarize the data from the case. We’ve also included some generic sections that allow you to document findings in your own words. We recommend always starting with a Header section.

You can reorder sections at anytime in the left sidebar. You can also add more than one of the same section to a report! The available sections include:

  • Header (company logo, report title, basic case information)

  • Text Section (a generic text section where you add text content and format it using a rich text editor)

  • Scope (summary of the accounts reviewed for this case)

  • Summary (a high-level summary of each bank account)

  • Spending Attributed to Suspect

  • Spending Attributed to Victim

  • Spending Unaccounted For

  • Notes (includes all notes you've checked to included in the report via the Notes tab)

  • Spending Details (a detailed spending breakdown for an account of your choice)

A "table of contents" will appear on the left as you add more sections and the sections will appear on the right in their entirety. This should give you an accurate idea of how the report will look when printed on letter or legal size paper.

Renaming Sections & Descriptions

You can rename the title of any section and optionally add a description that appears just below the section title. Simply add a section, then click the "edit" button on that section to edit the details.

Editing Section Details

Each section has unique properties you can edit. For example, you can choose which accounts to include in the Scope or Summary sections in the details window for each section. To edit a section, click "Edit" on that section and a details window will appear. When you're done editing, click "Save & Close" and you'll be taken back to the report page.

Reordering Sections

To reorder sections, simply drag and drop them in the left sidebar! The sections will instantly reorder on the right. Case reports can be quite lengthy, but this handy feature makes it easy for you to rearrange sections within the report at any time

Deleting a Section

To delete a section, simply click the "trash" icon for that section. Please note that the section will be deleted immediately with no confirmation required.

Page Breaks

Your report might look perfect on your computer, but when you're printing the PDF file, you might notice page breaks happening at inconvenient places (such as in the middle of a table or graph).

To control where page breaks happen, click "Edit" on any section and scroll to the bottom of the details window. Here' you'll find an option to insert a page break after the section you're currently editing.

This should help you control where page breaks happen when the file is generated as a PDF and when being printed.

Saving Your Progress

You can save your progress by clicking "Save" at the top of the page. You or any authorized member of your team can come back and continue editing your report at any time.

Generating a PDF Report

At this time, reports can only be created as a PDF file. When you're satisfied with your report, simply click "Generate PDF" at the top of the page.

Your PDF file will download and automatically be named [Your Case Name] and be appended with the word "Report". For example, if your case is named Erie EC-248RS, your report file will automatically be named Erie EC-248RS Report.pdf

You can generate the PDF as many times as you need.

To start from scratch (or if you need to create more than one report), simply delete all the section of the report and repeat the steps above.

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