Bank Statement Parsing

Bank Statement Parsing

Sometimes, statements are provided to users in an inconsistent or disorganized way. Here is the recommended process to handling bank statements from the FraudFindr team.

Hardcopy Bank Statements:


1.     Sort statements by account type (checking, savings, credit card, investment, etc.)

2.     Arrange bank statements in chronological order from oldest to newest.

3.     Remove any pages in the monthly statements that do not have transaction data or state “Page left intentionally blank”, always keeping the first page of the statement with the account summary on it (beginning/ending balances). You will need these summaries later in your investigation.

4.     Scan bank statements into the computer by bank account.

5.     You may choose to name the file anything you like. One format you might find helpful for organization is to name the file “Example Bank Checking Account ended 1234”.

6.     Upload files to FraudFindr via the Upload PDF method.



Digital Statements in Adobe:


1.     Organize statements by account type (checking, savings, credit card, investment, etc.)

2.     Ensure bank statements are in chronological order from oldest to newest.

3.     Delete any pages in the monthly statements that do not have transaction data or state “Page left intentionally blank”, always keeping the first page of the statement with the account summary on it (beginning/ending balances). You will need these summaries later in your investigation.

4.     Upload statements to FraudFindr as a PDF.

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